After more than a century of caring for patients and their families with a philosophy of non-abandonment and dignity in a restraint-free environment, Calvary Hospital, and its staff remain committed to ensuring that this care continues indefinitely.
– Thank you for supporting our mission.

Heart outline

Donate Now

Your gift helps us continue to provide care to those in need! (You can make your gift in honor of or in memory of a loved one.)


Elderly woman patient

Give in Memory of or in Honor of

Make your donation in remembrance of a loved one.


Nurse and patient

Become a Monthly Donor

Being a monthly donor is the best way to ensure that your gift is there to help our patients and families now and in the future.


Tree of Life

Calvary Hospital’s Tree of Life

A gift to Calvary Tree of Life ensures that a loved one’s name will exist in perpetuity with the lifetime of the Hospital.

Dove Plaque Stone Golf Leaf Silver Leaf

Storrs Society logo

The Storrs Society

Named after the founder of Calvary Hospital, the Storrs Society offers dedicated donors an opportunity to participate on an impactful level to provide for the medical, emotional, and spiritual needs of our patients and families.

Your annual gift of $1,000 or more forms a meaningful foundation of philanthropy that sustains CalvaryCare®.

Giving boxes

Matching Gifts

Did you know many companies offer a matching gift program to encourage giving among their employees? And that some companies will even match to retirees and spouses?

See if your employer will match your donation

Planned Giving

Planned Giving

You may include a bequest or other deferred gift to Calvary Hospital in your estate plan. We can also give you advice on gift planning to benefit Calvary.

Learn more about Bequests and Planned Gifts

Plant icon

Donor Advised Funds (DAFs)

You can simplify your charitable giving by establishing a donor-advised fund at Calvary Hospital. This charitable vehicle enables you to qualify for an immediate tax deduction.

Learn more about Donor Advised Funds (DAFs)

Tree of life closeup

Calvary Memorial Gifts

Calvary Hospital offers several unique opportunities to memorialize your loved one in support of Calvary’s historic mission: you may choose to add a leaf on the Tree of Life, contribute to the Brooklyn Donor Wall, or join the Torah Memorial.

Foundation Giving

Foundation & Corporate Giving

Partnering with Calvary Hospital helps to support our Bereavement, Family Care and Social Services programs not covered by insurance reimbursement and it helps Calvary to continue to provide care for over 6,000 patients and families annually.

About Foundation and Corporate Giving

Creative Ways to Give

Creative Ways to Give

Fundraising, Foundations, and volunteering are just a few of the ways you can support the Calvary mission.

Explore more giving options